
greedy method中文是什么意思

  • 贪心法



  • 例句与用法
  • Greedy method with graded row action method for system of linear equations
  • According to the idea of column privoting qr method , we bring forward the greedy methods
  • In fact , the dca program computes the slicing point with a greedy method and thus the speed of dca is not fast as expected
    实际上, dca程序以一种贪婪方法计算分割点,而不能使dca程序没有预期的快。
  • This paper starts with the introduction of the recent research and development on gis - based logistics distribution system at home and abroad . then the core issue in distribution process , the vehicle routing design is further studied . this project applies the greedy method to solve the vrp with step - by - step answers , which turns it into traveling salesman
    文中首先介绍了国内外基于gis物流配送系统的研究现状,接着对配送中所需考虑的核心问题- - -配送车辆路径规划进行了研究,运用贪婪算法将vrp问题进行分步求解,使之成为求k条路线的tsp ,再引入改进蚁群算法来解决tsp问题。
  • In the solution , the 0 - 1 integer and real number mixed encoding technique was employed to describe an artificial fish ; behaviors of a fish were dispatched by its body energy status ; the following behavior was described by the greedy method where moving step is direct ratio to a fish ' s hungry degree ; the lowest survival body energy controlling technique was used to realize escaping policy from locally optimum positions ; the maximum iterating times and the changing degree of the optimum solutions during iterating were used to control the terminating time
    在解算过程中,人工鱼个体采用0 - 1整数和实数混合编码方法描述;用人工鱼体能累计和消耗程度来调度其行为;采用与饥饿程度成正比的移动步距的贪婪法描述个体追尾行为;采用最低生存体能控制来实现局部最优解逃逸策略;采用最大迭代次数和迭代过程中最优解平均值变化程度来控制迭代终止时机。
  • 推荐英语阅读
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